Making a personal decision to follow Jesus is the greatest decision you will ever make. The significance of the decision has the power to transform not only your life …but you forever. Wherever you are in the process of Following Jesus, know that we are right here partnering with you in the journey.

Follow Jesus
How do you accept Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf? Just think of your ABC’s.
The great and epic story of God’s salvation of the world can be your story too.
A) Admit you’re a sinner
Through thought and action, you are separated from God. You are not able to bridge the gap between you and God through your own effort. “Trying Harder” is not the answer, but rather acknowledging that you can’t save yourself. Authentically admit this to God and allow Him to build the bridge to a relationship with you.
B) Believe in Jesus and what He has done.
To believe in Jesus is to agree with what the Bible says about Him and what He says about Himself. Jesus was 100% human and 100% God. He died on a cross as a sacrifice to make payment for your sins and then rose from the dead conquering death for all who believe in Him.
C) Commit to follow Jesus.
Commitment is more than a sentimental prayer or intellectual assent. Commitment is betting the farm on the fact that belief in Jesus alone saves you and then living that truth. It means making Jesus your personal friend, leader, confidant and object of worship.
It isn’t enough for Jesus to offer you salvation. It isn’t enough for you to just understand it. You must decide to take Jesus up on His offer. The ball is in your court.
Next Steps…
From the beginning, believers have marked their surrender to Jesus by being baptized. The death and burial of Jesus is embodied as you go down in to the water, and you embrace His resurrection as your resurface. Would you like to be baptized — marking the surrender of your life to Christ? If the answer is yes, fill out our Connection Card below and one of our Pastors will contact you!