Keith McCann
Men’s Pastor & ReGen Pastor
Keith was born and raised in the Fresno/Clovis area, and began attending CrossCity with his wife LeeAnn in 2014. Keith worked for 15 years in Emergency Medical Service in the Fresno and Kings Counties as a Paramedic after graduating with a degree in Emergency Management. After attending a membership class, Keith filled out a connection card and began serving as a volunteer in the Music and Production Department, and was eventually challenged by Jimmy Corrao to begin using his talents for the kingdom full time. In addition to working at the church, he began to volunteer for the Celebrate Recovery ministry on Friday nights, which resulted in his appointment as Ministry Leader a short time later.
Favorite Sport?
Hockey – Go Detroit Red Wings!
Favorite Vacation Spot?
Probably Monterey – although my wife and I would LOVE to return to Ireland after visiting there for our honeymoon.
Favorite Local Restaurant?
Coffee or Tea?
Americanos from the Frappe House, all the way!