Discovery CrossCity
CrossCity Christian Church 2777 E. Nees Ave., FresnoSUNDAY, 11AM, KIDS BLDG. CONFERENCE ROOM. Are you new to CrossCity and want to know more about us? Been here awhile and have questions? Come get an overview of who…
SUNDAY, 11AM, KIDS BLDG. CONFERENCE ROOM. Are you new to CrossCity and want to know more about us? Been here awhile and have questions? Come get an overview of who…
SUN. 9:15AM, KIDS BLDG. CONFERENCE ROOM. Looking to get more involved at CrossCity, but don’t know how to start? Each week hundreds of people give of their time and serve…
SAT. 5PM-9PM, SUN. 8:30AM-1:30PM. It’s our annual celebration weekend! In addition to our regularly scheduled services, we will also be celebrating our 5th anniversary of The Frappe House. Inflatables, giant…