
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

1 Peter 3:15

Testimony Writing Guide

God has worked in each of our lives, but sometimes it’s hard to share what our past was like, what He’s done, and how things are now. Hopefully this Testimony Writing Guide can help you put into words the continuing transformation that God has, and is doing in your life.

Things to consider:
  • This is not a chronological telling of your life.
  • You will only be able to talk about a few things, so pick the ones that really matter.
  • Our lives are full of pain, sin and hurt – be honest about how that has looked in your life.
  • God is the hero. He is the one who fixes and restores, your story should reflect that.
  • Share the Gospel. Salvation is a gift, share it to those who may hear your story.
  • Talk about yourself. Other people have an effect on our lives, but use this time to share your own choices, sin, hurt, and consequences.
Part 1 – Before (100 words)

Before i knew Christ my life was…

Part 2 – During (100 words)

I came to trust God when…
He began to work in my life….

Part 3 – Now (100 words)

Now my life is different because….
I’m not finished, God is continuing to change me…

Video Testimonies

Share Your Story With Us!

We would love to hear your story!


If you’d like to share you story with us about how you came to meet God, or how He delivered you through a difficult time – we’d love to hear it!  Please click here to tell us your story!

Keith McCann

Equipping Pastor